30 x 30 Webinar and Comment Opportunity

This Tuesday at 3 Pm PST the California Natural Resources Agency is going to be holding a webinar that is going to discuss the opportunities and options that we have for conservation in our oceans which will include the option for a 90 second comment by audience members. This is an absolutely pivotal chance for our community to come together and announce that citizens and recreational fishers and harvesters are not a footnote in this conversation and that while we are here to help, we will not stand by and watch our way of life become a part of history. When it comes to conservation, we are here to participate, not watch from the side lines.

I also want to take this opportunity to ask you to consider joining and participating in the Back Country Hunters and Anglers of California. They are a organization that is working very hard to keep our public lands in public hands and keep your natural rights to explore, utilize and harvest from the beautiful environment around you. We believe in their mission so much that one of our Founders has taken the volunteer position as their Central Coast Policy Leader to ensure that our coastline and the needs of the saltwater sports people are recognized in all future conversations. Unity is the key to our future. We hope that you will join us!


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