Ariella’s First Gyotaku Attempt

Spearfished a Striped Seaperch, and wanted to print it. My friend Ariella is here to help me with printing a background as well by using small pieces of red algae from where they live. This video isn't really a guide, I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. We are just playing around with kelp and seeing how they print. I definitely learned a lot, and I made some notes from the print.

Track: Mandolin Orange - Little Worlds

You can access them by clicking here:

Most of my art supplies are from Imagine Art supplies in Pacific Grove CA. Printing paper = depending on the paper material $1.68 - $3.00 a sheet block printing ink = $8 a bottle ink extender = $7 a bottle fine tip brush (for the eye) = $3.99 Painters knife = $4.00 Color pallette tray $.68 Other items from other places rags = goodwill and Tuesday morning..$1.00 paintbrushes = dollar$1. make up remover pad (10 count) = Target $1.00 foam insulation board = home depot = $9.99 for a huge wall you can cut into multiple platforms. If you would like your next catch to be printed, contact me on here, or on facebook at Monterey Freedivers or Monterey Bay Spearfishing.


Dwight Hwang: Gyotaku Demonstration


Daniel’s First Attempt at Gyotaku